Edens announces resignation from Levelland ISD Board of Trustees

DeEtte Edens/LevellandISD.com

At the Levelland ISD School Board meeting on Tuesday night Trustee DeEtte Edens announced her resignation from the board, citing a significant change in her professional career. After conversation regarding filling the seat via special election or appointment, the board decided an appointment would be utilized, due in large part to the estimated approximate cost of $10,000 that would come with a special election.

The board indicated that fulfillment of the vacant seat must occur within 180 days and then set July 18th at 5pm as the deadline for letters of interest to be submitted from candidates.

The candidate who is appointed will be required to run for the position at the next election in May of ’25 for the remainder of the term, and the candidate will be required to run in the election in May of ’26 for the full term. The seat to be filled is an at large designation meaning any district’s citizens may express their interest in the seat.

July 31st has been scheduled for in-person interviews in a closed session meeting, with the results of the appointment being delivered in a subsequent open session.

A full recording of the meeting can be found here

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